Holocaust Pictures by Goresko
Drawing, Fine Arts, Illustration,
Mixed media illustrations inspired by holocaust
Jack Goresko Canadian born Jewish American Artist visualized and created Holocaust Renderings
Method - Minimalist Expressionism via the Human Form
Method - Minimalist Expressionism via the Human Form
Works by Jack Goresko inspired by the Holocaust
Prints Available At - Fine Arts America.
For more information about Jack Goresko
For more information about Jack Goresko

King of Death
Jack Goresko breaks Holocaust fine arts tradition in his portrayal “King of Death.”
Via "minimalist expressionism", this work takes on the form of an icon. His mentor, Alexander Bercovitch, who was a master of the icon and used it as a basis for much of his work may have been one of Jack’s influences in approaching this type of subject matter in this manner.
Via "minimalist expressionism", this work takes on the form of an icon. His mentor, Alexander Bercovitch, who was a master of the icon and used it as a basis for much of his work may have been one of Jack’s influences in approaching this type of subject matter in this manner.

Talk With Dead
This Holocaust-inspired portrait of a grotesque, horrified man gazing upon walking skeletons is non-literal non-representational. It reveals Jack Goresko’s focus on maximum expression via the human form. His settings are more allegorical than most Holocaust-related art.

The Chamber
Primary focus on the human form, facial expressions and the like define Goresko's non literal-allegorical approach to the holocaust. 2 dismembered waving hands signal powerlessness and doom for eerily, stoic victims.

Train Ride
Angished victims shoulder co-victims packed on top of each other like sardines provide human essence and context for terror and peril. "Minimalist Expressionism" via the human form.

False Prophet
Anger - revelation of ruin and death. Presentation of hellishness for youngest victims. "Minimalist Expressionism" via the human form.

The Perished
"Minimalist Expressionism" via the human form.

March Into Eternity
"Minimalist Expressionism" via the human form.

"Minimalist Expressionism" via the human form.
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